Knowledge sharing

In this section you will find publications and presentations by our lawyers.


Art. 33 ICA – the ambiguity rule under Swiss law may also work against the policyholder

HAVE/REAS 2/2024, together with Riccardo Maisano

Clemens von Zedtwitz


Legal Focus: Berne Financial Services Agreement is cautious welcome from Switzerland for UK insurers

Regulatory equivalence agreement opens up interesting opportunities for UK insurers in the Swiss market.

Dominik Skrobala

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Die Vertragsnatur des Frachtvertrags, Zürich/Genf 2024 (= Diss. Zürich = ZStP 318)

Roger Thalmann


Kommentierung im Basler Kommentar zum VVG

Basler Kommentar Versicherungsvertragsgesetz, 2023; §4 zur Transportversicherung

Nando Stauffer von May


What obligations does the new Swiss data protection law provide for foundations?

Lecture at the pre-event for classical foundations of the Bernese BVG and Foundation Supervisory Authority.

Nando Stauffer von May

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Basler Kommentar VVG

Kommentierung von Art. 4-10 und Art. 100 Abs. 2 VVG (zusammen mit Riccardo Maisano [Art. 4-8, 10, 100 Abs. 2] und Dominik Skrobala [Art. 9])

Dominik Skrobala

Clemens von Zedtwitz



Handbuch Schweizer Aktienrecht, 2022; Beiträge zur AG im Konzern (§6a), zur Vorbereitung, Einberufung, Durchführung und Nachbearbeitung der Generalversammlung und zum Stimmrechtsberater (§§ 60-62)

Nando Stauffer von May


The Use of Interim Measures in International Commercial Arbitration under Swiss and French Law

Alexandre Mazuranic, Christian Iovene, Tania Iakovenko

Christian Iovene

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A global guide to the insurability of fines and penalties

Section on Switzerland

Dominik Skrobala

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