Dominik Skrobala

Partner, LLM (Corporate and Commercial Law)

Dominik Skrobala advises both domestic and foreign insurers, reinsurers and insurance intermediaries on insurance and regulatory matters and has considerable experience in this area, namely regarding the licencing of business activities, portfolio transfers and restructurings. His practice also focuses on corporate law, IT, data protection and the posting of workers to Switzerland. Dominik is the top address in Switzerland for Polish companies and private persons.

  • Dominik is recommended by the latest The Legal 500 as "Leading Individual" in insurance law and "Global Leader" by Who’s Who Legal
  • Master of Law (University of Zurich), admitted to the Swiss bar in 2010. Before joining gbf Attorneys-at-law as a partner, Dominik practiced for more than eight years in an international business law firm in Zurich
  • Dominik is a graduate of the School of Polish Law of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, where he also obtained an LLM in Polish Business Law
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Swiss Legaltech Association, AIDA Europe & AIDA Swiss Chapter, Polish Professionals in Switzerland
  • He worked for the leading provider of legal information technology for many years
  • Dominik is a trained and experienced Military Observer and has been deployed in peacekeeping operations in the Middle East. He was commended for his service
  • Languages: English, German, French, Polish, Russian


SIRM Connect

Presentation at the SIRM Connect Event on PFAS.

Dominik Skrobala

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Legal Focus: Berne Financial Services Agreement is cautious welcome from Switzerland for UK insurers

Regulatory equivalence agreement opens up interesting opportunities for UK insurers in the Swiss market.

Dominik Skrobala

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Szwajcarskie perspektywy

Nowe trendy na szwajcarskim rynku reasekuracyjnym z perspektywy prawnika

Dominik Skrobala

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Release from supervision

We fully ran off all remaining claims of a Swiss licenced insurer and closed thereafter the company. This is one of the very few successful cases in Switzerland.

Lars Gerspacher

Nando Stauffer von May

Dominik Skrobala

Non-Admitted Business in Switzerland

We advised a large US based health insurer on the admissibility of cross-border non-admitted business in Switzerland.

Dominik Skrobala

Corporate Benefits Network

We advised a global benefits network on corporate and regulatory aspects of the distribution of insurance products in Switzerland.

Dominik Skrobala

Restructuring of a Reinsurer

We advised a large French reinsurer on the restructuring of its European operations and subsequent regulatory filings.

Dominik Skrobala

Corporate Housekeeping

Through his involvement in the corporate housekeeping of all Swiss entities of a fortune 100 company, Dominik Skrobala disposes of considerable corporate law experience (incl. mergers, demergers and changes of legal form).

Dominik Skrobala

Corporate Health Insurance

We advised a foreign global health insurer regarding the licensing and setting up of a Swiss branch and the introduction of complex international private medical insurance corporate solutions to the Swiss market.

Dominik Skrobala

Restructuring and Portfolio Transfer

We advised a large US-based insurance corporation on the restructuring of its worldwide corporate structure, incl. the licensing of a new Swiss branch, subsequent portfolio transfers and the release of licensed companies from supervision.

Dominik Skrobala