Clemens von Zedtwitz

Partner, PhD, LLM, Certified Specialist SBA Tort and Insurance Law

Clemens von Zedtwitz acts for a variety of insurers, intermediaries and their insureds in defence of claims against them or advising on coverage issues. He also advises and represents clients in their engagement with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).

  • Provides coverage advice and defends high-value, international and complex claims in the fields of casualty, financial institutions, directors’ and officers’ liability, environmental risks, professional indemnity, product liability and property damage

  • Frequently advises insurers on product development across all business lines, in particular on regulatory and cross-border issues

  • Represents clients facing investigations by regulatory bodies e.g. Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)

  • Recommended by the latest Legal 500 as Leading Individual in Insurance
  • Recognized by Who's Who Legal Switzerland as Most Highly Regarded practitioner and Thought Leader in Insurance & Reinsurance
  • Admitted to the bar in 2005
  • Certified Specialist SBA Tort and Insurance Law
  • Master of Laws, LL.M., University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • Law degrees (lic. iur., Dr. iur.) from the University of St. Gallen (thesis awarded with the "Prix d'Excellence" of the Swiss Society of Insurance Law)
  • Lectures at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich in the field of contracts and torts and insurance law, at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW, CAS Claims Management and CAS Recht, Regulierung & Risikomanagement) and the University of Applied Sciences in Business Zurich (HWZ, CAS Rechtsschutzmanagement)
  • Before joining gbf, he was a partner at CMS von Erlach Poncet AG for six years, where he was head of the insurance practice group


Schulthess Forum Insurance Law 2025

Moderator of the Schulthess Forum Insurance Law, Professional Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance

Clemens von Zedtwitz

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Art. 33 ICA – the ambiguity rule under Swiss law may also work against the policyholder

HAVE/REAS 2/2024, together with Riccardo Maisano

Clemens von Zedtwitz


Schulthess Forum Insurance Law 2023

Moderator of the Schulthess Forum Insurance Law, International Insurance Programs.

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Construction insurance

Representation of an insurance company in a dispute regarding the amount of compensation to be paid under the insurance contract

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Retrocession/coverage dispute

Representation of a reinsurance company in a coverage dispute under a retrocession agreement

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Dispute with insurance intermediary

Representation of an insurance company in a dispute with an insurance intermediary (termination of cooperation agreement, handover of customer data)

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Reinsurance dispute

Representing an international reinsurance company in a dispute with a foreign life insurer (financial reinsurance)

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Product liability/importer of orthopaedic joint replacements

Representing an importer of orthopaedic joint replacements in defense of liability claims in state court proceedings

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Product liability/agrochemical group/coverage dispute

Representing the branch office of a foreign insurer in arbitration proceedings (Swiss Rules), defense against coverage claims of a Swiss agrochemical group

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Professional liability of a medical doctor

Representing the medical doctor in the defense against recourse claims of a social health insurer

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Surety insurance

Supporting the branch office of a foreign surety insurer in the handling of claims with Swiss clients (payment of security, recourse)

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Data protection & new insurance product

Data protection law advice to an insurance company on the launch of a new insurance product for consumers.

Nando Stauffer von May

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Lawyer’s professional liability

Defending a lawyer against a professional liability claim brought by a former client in state court proceedings.

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Business interruption damages arising from COVID-19

Defending the Swiss branch of a foreign insurer in a state court proceeding against a coverage claim brought by a company active in the food-sector.

Clemens von Zedtwitz

usiness interruption damages arising from COVID-19

Defending the Swiss branch of a foreign insurer in arbitration proceedings against a coverage claim brought by a multi-national company active in the aviation industry.

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Business interruption damages arising from COVID-19

Defending a Swiss property insurer in a state court proceeding against a coverage claim brought by a hotel owner.

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Business interruption damages arising from COVID-19

Defending a Swiss property insurer in a state court proceeding against a coverage claim brought by a nursery home.

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Review of general terms and conditions / VVG revision

Advising Swiss and foreign insurers on the revision of their general terms and conditions in view of the entry into force of the revised Swiss Insurance Contract Act (1 January 2022)

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Fire damage / international pharmaceutical company

Advising an international pharmaceutical group on the enforcement of claims for damages arising from a fire on the company's premises (property damage/loss of earnings)

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Claims Handling / COVID-19

Claims handling of business interruption losses for Swiss and foreign insurers

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Reinsurance dispute / COVID-19

Advising and representing a Swiss reinsurance company on coverage and loss aggregation issues related to COVID-19

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Business interruption insurance / COVID-19

Representation of a Swiss insurance company in coverage dispute regarding business interruption losses in connection with COVID-19

Clemens von Zedtwitz

PI Insurance, medical doctors and lawyers

Claims handling in Switzerland for Lloyd's based insurers (medical doctors' professional liability insurance, lawyers’ professional liability insurance, D&O insurance)

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Intermediary and distribution model

Advising a German car manufacturer on the development of an intermediary and distribution model for vehicle warranty insurance policies and the subsequent FINMA review

Clemens von Zedtwitz

D&O insurance

Advising the D&O's of a multinational industrial company in liability and coverage issues in a hostile takeovers attempt

Clemens von Zedtwitz

D&O coverage dispute, arbitration

Representing two international insurance companies in a directors’ and officers’ liability insurance coverage dispute (arbitration proceedings in accordance with the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration)

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)

Advising Swiss P&C and health insurers on various regulatory issues

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Recourse claim

Advising and representing a PI insurer in defending against a recourse claim

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Credit and surety insurance

Advising an international insurance company in cross-border regulatory issues in the area of credit and surety insurance

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Lloyd’s coverholder

Advising a UK insurance company in setting up a Lloyd’s approved coverholder in Switzerland (credit and surety reinsurance)

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Captive- and reinsurance structure

Advising a Swiss insurer on setting up a complex captive- and reinsurance structure

Clemens von Zedtwitz

Reinsurance dispute

Representing an international reinsurance company in a complex dispute with a Swiss direct insurer

Clemens von Zedtwitz