Roger Thalmann
Partner, PhD

Roger’s main practice areas include liability and insurance law, transportation law, and commercial and corporate law. Roger’s practice includes advisory work, as well as representing his clients in proceedings before state courts and arbitral tribunals.
- Representing insurers and reinsurers in regulatory proceedings, for example acting for clients in proceedings before the FINMA
- Providing advice in the course of setting up new insurance or reinsurance companies or their branches in Switzerland
- Advising insurers and reinsurers and assisting in the drafting of policies and related general terms of contract
- Acting for insurers in defending coverage claims, for example D&O, E&E or fidelity insurance claims
- Advising clients on aspects of the law of forwarding and transport law in relation to all means of transport, with a particular focus on damage to goods in transit
- Advising clients on aspects of commercial and corporate law, as well as mergers and acquisitions
- Advising clients on aspects of contract law, in particular in the areas of employment law, distribution and agency law, asset management as well as construction and real estate law
- Roger read law at the University of Zurich
- He joined gbf Attorneys-at-law in 2012
- Prior to joining gbf Attorneys-at-law, he worked at the District Court of Uster
- Partner with gbf Attorneys in 2024
- Languages: German, English, French and Italian
Zum Schadensbegriff bei der Frachtführerhaftung
Präsentation an der gbf-Transportrechtstagung "Internationale Entwicklungen im Transportrecht und in der Transportversicherung"
Swiss Country Report on Article 17 (2) CMR and 29 CMR
Contribution in: Articles 17 CMR and 29 CMR overview countries, Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht (TVR) 2017-2 and 2017-3
Bancruptcy of a business partner
We advised an international holding company with regard to the bancruptcy of a business partner.
International administrative assistance
We advised an international holding company on how to oppose information requests in an international administrative assistance procedure.
Mareva injunction
We advised an international family office on how to defend against a mareva injunction.
Transfer of data of a telecommunications company
We councelled a Swiss debt collection company on the transfer of data from a telecommunications company.
Investment in a Swiss fintech company
We advised a leading German media company with regard to the investment in one of Switzerland’s leading FinTech companies.
Arbitration between trading company and producer
In an arbitration under the ICC Rules in Paris we represented a South-East Asian producer against a Swiss trading company.
Arbitration in relation to the construction of a sailing yacht
We represented the owner of a catamaran in an arbitration under the Swiss Rules concerning the defective construction of the vessel.