Christophe Platel
Associate, LLM (Air & Space)

Christophe Platel's practice focuses primarily on aviation-related matters, with a particular emphasis on the negotiation and drafting of all contracts in the aviation sector. He draws on his expertise in aviation (and space) law to advise clients on all matters relating to these fields, whether under international, European or national law. More generally, Christophe is involved in all types of commercial matters involving the drafting of contracts and other documents. He also has extensive experience in employment and intellectual property law.
- Studies in political science at the University of Lausanne, lic. rer. pol. degree in 2002
- Law studies at the University of Lausanne, Bachelor’s degree in Swiss law in 2016 and Master’s degree in law (litigation law + international & comparative law) in 2018
- LL.M in Air & Space Law, McGill University (Montreal) in 2019
- From 2019 to 2022, Christophe worked at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs on law and policy issues relating to outer space, air transport and science (science diplomacy)
- Christophe joined gbf Avocats in 2022
- Languages: French, English, German