gbf Attorneys-at-law

gbf Attorneys-at-law Ltd is a leading Swiss law firm in the fields of insurance, reinsurance, aviation, shipping, transport and trade. Our client base consists mainly of international companies in these industries.

As a result of our unique industry focus, and our legal skills and experience of both contentious and non-contentious matters (many of which have a cross-border nature), we are in a good position to offer clients effective solutions tailored to their legal needs. 

Through our offices in Zurich and Geneva, Switzerland's two main business hubs, we ensure that our reach is country-wide. The notary's office in Bern is managed by Nando Stauffer von May and David Mösch, the one in Olten by Marco Novoselac.

Address in Zurich

Hegibachstrasse 47
PO Box
8032 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone +41 43 500 48 50
Fax +41 43 500 48 60
Google Map

Address in Geneva

Route de Pré-Bois 20
PO Box 1911
1215 Geneva Airport, Switzerland
Phone +41 22 533 48 50
Fax +41 22 533 48 54
Google Map

Address in Bern

Notary Stauffer von May

Notary David Mösch
Von-Werdt-Passage 3
3011 Bern, Switzerland
Phone +41 43 500 48 50
Fax +41 43 500 48 60
Google Map

Address in Olten

Notar Novoselac
Solothurnerstrasse 235
4600 Olten, Switzerland
Phone +41 43 500 48 50
Fax +41 43 500 48 60
Google Map